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2 Days Recovery

Specializing in debt recovery, we faced a challenging case involving a large outstanding of $25,000 debt owed by a commercial client. Despite multiple attempts at communication and negotiation and leveraging available legal options, Determined to recover the outstanding debt and alleviate their client’s burden client turned to Swift Debt Recovery for assistance.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Swift Debt Recovery Private Limited implemented a two-day debt recovery plan. On the first day, they intensified their efforts by deploying experienced negotiators to establish direct contact with the debtor, emphasizing the consequences of continued non-payment.

With persistent follow-ups and effective communication strategies, Swift Debt Recovery Private Limited successfully negotiated a repayment plan with the debtor on the second day. The debtor agreed to settle the outstanding debt in full, along with accrued interest and legal fees. Swift Debt Recovery Private Limited embarked on a two-day debt recovery initiative, beginning with a Comprehensive review of the borrower’s financial status and assets. Utilizing legal expertise, they issued a formal demand letter outlining the consequences of continued default and initiated legal proceedings to secure collateral.